Monday, February 22, 2010

Web 2.0 Discussion Questions

1. I think that user-generated content will continue to get better simply because technology continues to get better. Eventually user-generated content will lose its amateur look and begin to look more professional. This will eliminate this ad style because there won't be much of a difference in the quality of the professional and the amateur. Production values may remain low for a while as they match user-generated content but they will increase as amateur quality increases.
2. The article I read was off of and was about the credit card reform. I would tag this article with terms such as financial, reform, interest rates, banks, credit cards and recession. The article was tagged by other people with terms such as marketing, business, smallbusiness, strategy and smallbiz. This seems to indicate to me that people tag articles with terms that have very broad meaning and relation to the article rather than more specific terms.
3. Transparency in the social media world is so important because users dont like being misled or ignored by sites. Users need to be able to trust a site or they will less inclined to use it. If they are neglected, then the site will lose business and people will be more willing to go a competitor. I think transparency is more important in the offline world because business make more money and have more business in the offline world. Also, there is more attention paid to things in the real world. Misleading customers and losing trust in the offline world could result in a very large loss of business and crisis. This is something that could ruin a business. Transparency and honesty are crucial in both situations, but I think it is more important in the offline world.

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